The Importance of Affirmations




An affirmation is a positive thought or idea that you consciously focus on in order to produce a desired result.

For example – Your desire is to save more money.

You probably think, “I wish I could save more money,” when you look at your monthly bank statements. Yet therein lies the problem. When you wish for something, you send out the energy of longing whereas affirming a simple yet modest truth is declaring to yourself and the universe the tangible possibility.

Instead of I wish I could save more money, how about I can save more money this month? Can you do better? How about I am going to save more money this month? (Remember, your affirmation has to be doable in order for it to be possible. Any doubt in your mind will render your affirmation useless!)

Being specific yet modest in your affirmations is a great way to bring about definite results. From, Yes, I can indeed save more money this month, you can take it further to Yes, I am going to save more money this month to kicking it up to I am going to save $50 more this month. That’s only $12.50 a week! Maybe instead of buying lunch at work, I’ll pack it one day this week. Maybe I won’t play the lottery today or this week. Where else can I be more modest in spending?

The affirmation is a simple yet powerful tool that can heal and transform your most deeply held beliefs.
Affirmations are based upon the following principles:

1. Your outer reality is a direct reflection of your predominant thoughts and beliefs.
2. Change your thoughts and you change your reality.


“What you are exposed to in your first waking moments has a profound impact your state of mind for the rest of the day. This is because during the transition from sleeping to waking consciousness, we are in a “hypnagogic state”–a state of high suggestibility where the subconscious mind is wide open to suggestions. Therefore, whatever enters the mind at this time makes a deep impression, similar to the footprint left when someone steps on wet cement.
Therefore, when you first arise, turn your thoughts to something that uplifts and inspires you. You may wish to say a positive affirmation, offer up a prayer, read an inspirational passage, or read your vision statement of wellness, Whatever positive spiritual food you feed yourself set the tone for the rest of the day.”
-Douglas Bloch (

What are some of the things that you really care or think about? Have you been waiting on a promotion at work? Are you in debt? Could losing weight make you happier? No matter who you are or what you do, as long as you are a human striving for growth and improvement in any aspect of your life, there are affirmations for you to create and utilize in manifesting results.

Instead of hoping and praying on a promotion, how about affirming I’m a hard worker, I am worthy of this promotion. Instead of worrying about debt, how about affirming I am taking definite steps towards getting out of debt. Instead of wishing to lose weight how about affirming I am going to lose 5 pounds this month, I am going to go to the gym three times this week, I am going to spend at least 30 minutes on each machine and at least two hours in the gym, I am committed to the sacrifice and discipline required to achieve results!


Exercise: what are some areas in your life that could use growth or improvement? Is every dream vacation wish to take? What’s on your bucket list? Write three simple affirmations for each.

In a rut? Are some of your affirmations uninspiring? Google “money affirmations”, “weight loss affirmations”, etc.

“Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. Professionals and business people can use these techniques to develop personal power or gain a competitive edge.” -Andrea Callahan

Soul Seeds Quotes And Thoughts I.IV


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“……………………..My initial vision for this blog was to share quotes and thoughts on compassion, kindness  finding peace, understanding karma, loving, meditation methods, overcoming obstacles, finding the path to happiness and most importantly share vital affirmations and positive energy with readers throughout the world.

Throughout the week, I will strive to bring you affirmations and quotes on the aforementioned topics as well share beauty and fashion posts on trends and seasons (or anything that should take my fancy). It is my hope that these posts will keep you inspired, refresh you throughout the week, bless you when you need it, heal you should you seek it and keep you focused and driven on your personal life missions.


On Loving

“Love is the wish for all beings to experience happiness. It is not just romantic love or love for our family and friends. Bu cultivating an all-embracing love in your heart, you can spread happiness to many other people. When people are happy, their hearts are open and they respond more lovingly to others. So approaching others with love in your heart means that they will be likely to respond in a loving manner to you. This helps create happiness all the way around. The love that wishes happiness for others also creates the karma cause for the happiness that you will experience in the future.”

*Practice loving kindness to your tendency to eat mindlessly, to judge yourself, to feel impatient, angry, fearful.

*Let the people in your life, especially your life partner, be as they are. They have to go through whatever their life demands of them. Love them without wanting them to be anything other than what they are. Love them without controlling them.

*When our acts are motivated by generosity, love or wisdom, then we are creating karmic conditions for abundance and happiness.



On Meditating for Happiness

“The evidence on the positive effect of meditation on well-being is quite impressive. Regular mediation can reduce negative emotions, and mindfulness linked with meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve immune responses, and increase overall well-being. The increase in awareness from meditation can make an incredible difference in your life, in terms of your own happiness as well as the happiness of those around you. Meditation teaches you to be mindful and honest, which makes your mind quieter and more open, your heart happier and more peaceful.”

*The path of mediation is dedicated to the discovery of peace in each moment.

*As you go to bed and prepare for sleep, take some mindful breaths, become aware of the bed supporting you, and allow yourself to smile. Feel the muscles of your body relaxing as you sink into your bed.

*Meditation is a way to let the silt settle back to the bottom, so we can see the fish.



On Overcoming Obstacles

“On our path of living, we deal with many obstacles: ignorance, craving or desire, clinging or attachment, and the inherent suffering of life—aging, sickness, and death. We create many of these troubles for ourselves, so it is important to work on recognizing this and also learn to let go of the past and the future. This is done by staying mindful in the moment and cultivating right understanding. The seeds you plant determine what will grow.”

*Wealth is the number of things one can do without.

*Three reasons for dissatisfaction and unhappiness: ignorance of the truth, attachment, aversion.

*Have a repentant tongue—most bad karma is created by speech. Watch your tongue carefully, and be sure that it is always used with compassion and intelligence.

*Happiness is being free from desires.



On Finding the Path to Happiness

“Each step along the Buddha’s path to happiness requires practicing mindfulness until it becomes part of your daily life. Mindfulness is a way of training yourself to become aware of things as they really are. With mindfulness as your key, you progress through the eight steps on the path to happiness explained by the Buddha—a gentle, gradual training to end suffering.

*There is no way to happiness—happiness is the way.

*Whenever I associate with others, may I view myself as the lowest of all; and with a perfect intention, may I cherish others as supreme-BUDDHA

Soul Seeds Quotes And Thoughts I


, , , , , , , , , , , ,

“……………………..My initial vision for this blog was to share quotes and thoughts on compassion, kindness, finding peace, understanding karma, loving, meditation methods, overcoming obstacles, finding the path to happiness and most importantly share vital affirmations and positive energy with readers thoughout the world.

Throughout the week, I will strive to bring you affirmations and quotes on the aforementioned topics as well share beauty and fashion posts on trends and seasons (or anything that should take my fancy). It is my hope that these posts will keep you inspired, refresh you though out the week, bless you when you need it, heal you should you seek it and keep you focused and driven on your personal life missions.

My posts will mostly be separated into:

Misc (Beauty, Fashion etc)
…. and numbered accordingly”



On Compassion

“Compassion is the heartfelt wish that all beings could be free from suffering. Compassion and happiness are therefore inextricably linked.”

*Awakening compassion and lessening selfishness are more important than any other spiritual practice
*Compassion is based on others’ fundamental rihgts to be happy and overcome suffering.



On Kindness

“The Dalai Lama says that his religion is kindness. Kindness breeds kindness. If you are compassionate to yourself, you are likely to act with kindness toward others. You can make kindness the basis of your spiritual practice and by doing so can contribute compassion, serenity, and happiness to the complex world.”

*The happiest man is he who has no trace of malice in his soul. -PLATO
*No one who has been generous has ever perished in destituion. -IBN’ ARABI
*Patience is the foundation of discovering simplicity. Patience is a gesture of profound kindess.



On Finding Peace
“Peace begins with us. You are not powerless on this planet; you can embrace a spiritual path that brings tranquility to your heart and mind, which is the first step toward bringing peace to the world. Cultivated inner calmness will beget gentle speech and moral actions, such as gentle caring for others. When you bring the qualities of peace to your communications, you will radiate peace out into the world.”

*Practice letting go and you cultivate inner peace. Practice fully experiencing what is happening in each moment with as much awareness as possible, not wanting it to be different that it is.
*Let go of winning and losing. Find joy.
*Go into the sunshine and be happy with what you see.



On Understanding Good Karma

“Everyone wants to be happy and to avoid suffering and dissatisfaction. This is a universal truth that does not depend on any personal factor. An understanding of karma can be greatly beneficial. Karma is the law of cause and effect. When you clearly understand which of your actions will cause happiness and which will cause suffering, then you know how to find happiness and avoid suffering. If we engage in positive, skillful actions (which are the cause of happiness) we will definitely experience their result, which is happiness.”

*It takes but a split second to check whether your action or words will produce happiness or suffering, so doing so is definitely worthwhile habit to develop. Also, the art of listening to others helps us realize we do not need to say everything that comes into our minds. And when someone shouts at you, you are under no obligation to shout back!

* Whichever seeds we water will blossom and grow into plants. If we repeatedly act out of anger, we are watering the seeds of anger. If we meet our anger with kindness, then the anger seeds cannot grow, but a loving plant will come in its place.

TO BE CONTINUED… (Soul Seeds Quotes And Thoughts I.IV)



My initial vision for this blog was to share quotes and thoughts on compassion, kindness, finding peace, understanding karma, loving, meditation methods, overcoming obstacles, finding the path to happiness and most importantly share vital affirmations and positive energy with readers though out the world.

Throughout the week, I will strive to bring you affirmations and quotes on the aforementioned topics as well share beauty and fashion posts on trends and seasons (or anything that should take my fancy). It is my hope that these posts will keep you inspired, refresh you though out the week, bless you when you need it, heal you should you seek it and keep you focused and driven on your personal life missions.

My posts will mostly be separated into:

Misc (Beauty, Fashion etc)

…. and numbered accordingly

5 Guilt Free Snacks


One of my friend’s mother is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met in her early forties with a body that gives women half her age a run for their money. At 5’1 and slim to petite stature, she would often clean and vacuum her home in a BEBE sports bra and matching pants with a stomach as flat as mine. She was huge on snacking and recommended that snacking (five light to medium snacks/meals a day) is probably the way we should eat instead of 3 full, heavy meals a day.
But how does that make sense? Theoretically, doesn’t snacking and more meals ADD calories?
Let’s first look at how we traditionally eat: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe you’re one of those people that eat a big breakfast (“breakfast is the most important meal of the day”), pack a light lunch (cuz let’s face it, if you’re serious about your diet, you’ve got to create a meal plan that works with you) and a late dinner at the end of your day with no snacks in between.
Sounds dismal! You probably had to pass up on soda at one point and definately mentally ate that cheesecake instead of ordering it!
Snacking between meals can actually reduce your overall calorie intake by preventing overeating at your next meal! Especially if we are snacking properly (healthy choices and daily total up to a couple hundred calories or less)
So if you know you’re going to do a big dinner with your girlfriends that night, make sure you have a healthy snack before you head out so you’re less likely to order (and finish) a large entree! In fact, you might just go for an appetizer, indulge in a dessert and decent drink to polish it all off 😉 Now that’s a way to eat!
Many experts are recommending several small to medium sized meals throughout the day instead of the usual three. By eating at regular levels, your blood sugar and energy levels remain stable. Eating every few hours (especially on fruits and veggies) can also help add extra nutrition that might be missing from other meals.
So instead of three full sized meals in a day minus the soda, snacks and desserts, let’s look at an alternative diet. How about three medium sized meals with three snacks two hours after each meal? Or even a full meal at breakfast, a light lunch, a snack two hours after and another snack two hours before a light dinner? You can start small or ambitiously and work your way towards smaller and medium sized meals.
However! There is definitely a wrong way and a right way to snack. You should avoid sugary items like candy and soda, and shouldn’t be consuming enough calories to constitute a meal. Instead, steer towards foods that will satisfy you and keep you feeling fuller longer. Fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet because they are low in fat and calories. (Just be sure to avoid high-calorie dips.) Yogurt, fruit smoothies, even a slice of whole-wheat toast all make great snacks during the day. Combining lean protein, some healthy fat, and complex carbohydrates will help you feel fuller longer.
As with the rest of your diet, moderation is crucial when snacking. Make sure that you are adding every snack to your Nutrition Tracker, along with the larger meals you eat during the day. If you don’t keep track, you might add excess calories and fat to your diet without realizing it.
Combined with an aggressive workout regimen twice a week, you’ll definately see a result at the end of the month!!

Here are five great alternatives for those guilty snacking feelings!!!

Chobani Flip
“Thicker, creamier and packed with more protein than regular yogurt, Chobani Greek Yogurt now comes paired with crunchy mix-ins ranging from pistachios and dark chocolate to cornflakes and honey oats. Only natural ingredients and real fruits are used and all of the flavors are free of preservatives, artificial flavors and sweeteners. Plus, each serving is packed with five live and active cultures including three probiotics.”

New York Naturals Kale Chips
“Even if you don’t like kale, New York Naturals Kale Chips are worth a try. Made from dehydrated whole kale leaves, each batch is covered with raw-vegan flavoring making the crunchy product taste way more like a Dorito than anything you’d associate with a vegetable.”

I heart Keenwah
“If you find whole grains hard to digest or unappealing, quinoa is a great alternative and it’s now available in snack form via I heart Keenwah. Each bag, available in Ginger Peanut, Chocolate Sea Salt, Almond or Cranberry Cashew, is low in calories, fat and sodium, while being high in protein and fiber. Plus, quinoa is the only grain that’s considered to be a whole protein and it contains all nine essential amino acids.”

Celery and dressing
I buy this weekly for myself and has now replaced my visits to the drugstore to buy Tostitos and dip! Instead, I stop by the corner grocer, pick up my celery to have my italian dressing and pick up fresh fruit to incorporate into my diet!!

A plate of fresh fruit
A diced apple and pear fruit bowl is a great alternative to whatever is in that vending machine at work! In fact, switch it up! Grapes and strawberries, blueberries and kiwi or almost any fruit combo is probably the way to go when snacking!